Molecularly Defined Bio-inspired Hetereogeneous Electrocatalysts
We aim at replicating, in heterogeneous, electrically conductive materials, the active sites of enzymatic system, at least their first coordination sphere. We accordingly investigate site-isolated materials, such as so called “single atom catalysts”, reproducing porphyrin-type active sites, as well as other types of mono or polymetallic assemblies. In addition of enabling a lower distribution of products owing to their narrow site distribution, these catalysts enable for a simpler mechanistic analysis of the catalytic reaction. We couple our studies to in-situ spectroscopic investigations, notably via XAS techniques, leveraging on multiple in-house designed electrocatalytic reactors.

Selected Publications:
external page Understanding the Synergy between Fe and Mo Sites in the Nitrate Reduction Reaction on a Bio-Inspired Bimetallic MXene Electrocatalyst
D. Abbott, Y. Xu, D. Kuznetsov, P.Kumar, C. Müller*, A. Fedorov*, V. Mougel*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202313746
external page Mixed-metal Ionothermal Synthesis of Metallophthalocyanine Covalent Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture and Conversion
K. S. Song, P. Fritz, D. Abbott, L. Nga Poon, C. Caridade, F. Gándara, V. Mougel*, Ali Coskun*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202309775 – selected as Hot Article
external page Carbon Nanotube supported Copper Polyphthalocyanine for Efficient and Selective Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction to CO
D. Karapinar, A. Zitolo, T. N. Huan, S. Zanna, D. Taverna, L. H. Galvão Tizei, D. Giaume, P. Marcus, V. Mougel*, M. Fontecave*
ChemSusChem, 2019, 13 (1), 173-179
external page Electroreduction of CO2 on Single-Site Copper-Nitrogen-Doped-Carbon Material: Selective Formation of Ethanol and Reversible Restructuration of the Metal Sites
D. Karapinar, T. N. Huan, N. Ranjbar, J. Li, D. Wakerley, N. Touati, S. Zanna, D. Taverna, L. H. Galvão Tizei, A. Zitolo, F. Jaouen, V. Mougel*, M. Fontecave*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58 (42), 15098-15103
external page FeNC catalysts for CO2 electroreduction to CO: effect of nanostructured carbon supports
D. Karapinar, T. N. Huan, D. Giaume, N. Ranjbar, F. Jaouen, V. Mougel*, M. Fontecave*
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019, 3, 1833-1840