Electrocatalysts for small molecule transformation: getting inspiration from Nature

Our research revolves around the design of new bio-inspired catalysts for the electroreduction of small molecules (CO2, N2, NOx). A distinctive feature of our group is that, in analogy to the multi-scale strategies used by natural systems to enable the efficient conversion of small molecules, our work spans multiple scales, from the study of the fundamental properties of molecular complexes to the design of heterogeneous catalysts. Our approach is articulated around three main axes, the design of molecular catalysts, the optimization of electron/proton transfer steps and the investigation of mass transport challenges at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The common denominator of all the strategies studied in the group is the desire to understand reaction mechanisms at the molecular level, based on detailed spectroscopic characterization of the catalyst, including in situ.
Selected Publication:
external page Bio-inspired Molecules and Materials: CO2 Reduction as a Case Study
V. Mougel*
Chimia, 2020, 74 (9), 710-715