[Journal of Materials Chemistry A] Scientific writing and publishing for early-career researchers from the perspective of young chemists

Congratulations on the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "Scientific writing and publishing for early-career researchers from the perspective of young chemists" to Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Congratulation to Victor who received the 2020 EuChemS Lecture Award

[JACS AU]-Unexpected Disparity in Photoinduced Reactions of C60 and C70 in Water with the Generation of O2•– or 1O2

Congratulations on the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "Unexpected Disparity in Photoinduced Reactions of C60 and C70 in Water with the Generation of O2•– or 1O2" to JACS AU.
Dr. Huan Tran Ngoc joins our group for three months. Welcome!

Dr. Huan Tran Ngoc, permanent scientific staff in the Group of Marc Fontecave at Collège de France, is joining our group from June to September.
Environment, Sustainability & Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award awarded to Prof. Mougel

Many thanks to the Royal Chemical Society for acknowledging our work on artificial photosynthesis. This great honor goes to all the members of the team, built of chemists from seven institutions across four countries, sharing their knowledge and expertise to assemble a system that achieves CO2 conversion to hydrocarbons using solar energy with a 2.3% solar-to-hydrocarbon efficiency. This work sets a benchmark for an inexpensive all–earth-abundant PV–EC system.
We welcome Alessandro Walker back as a PhD Student

We welcome Wenyi Zeng as a Master Student

[Chemistry – A European Journal] The Role of Early-Career Chemists in European Policy-Making

Congratulations on the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "The Role of Early-Career Chemists in European Policy-Making" to Chemistry - A European Journal.