We welcome Lok Nga Poon as a Master Student
We welcome Amrita Singh-Morgan as a PhD Student
[Chemistry – A European Journal] Dinitrogen Fixation: Rationalizing Strategies Utilizing Molecular Complexes

Congratulations on the acceptance of the review "Dinitrogen Fixation: Rationalizing Strategies Utilizing Molecular Complexes" to Chemistry - A European Journal
Liam Grunwald joined us as a PHD student. Welcome!

Liam Grunwald joined us as a PHD student. Welcome!
[Angewandte Chemie International Edition] Electroreduction of CO2 to Formate with low overpotential using Cobalt Pyridine Thiolate Complexes

Congratulations on the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "Electroreduction of CO2 to Formate with low overpotential using Cobalt Pyridine Thiolate Complexes" to Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
The Mougel Group Welcomes Alessandro Walker to the Group

The Mougel Group Welcomes Alessandro Walker to the group as a master student!
Congratulations on paper acceptance, Ahmed!

Congratulations to Ahmed Mouchfiq for having his paper entitled "A bioinspired molybdenum-copper molecular catalyst for CO2 electroreduction" accepted to the Chemical Science.
Mater Students Julian Bechtel joined us. Welcome!!!

The Mougel Group Welcomes Julian Bechtel to the Group!
Dr. Daniel Abbott joined us as a postdoctoral fellow

Dr. Daniel Francis Abbott completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and joined us as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!